Our Plain Language Pledge
The first time we talk with people about investing and cash flow planning, they often tell us how confused they are about their finances. Even if a former advisor prepared a strategy for them, it was often hard to understand or poorly explained.
At Uptrex, we believe clear communication is absolutely vital. If you don't understand a strategy, you're probably not going to follow it. Which means your goals are unlikely to be met.
That's why we make this Plain Language Pledge to our clients:
In every aspect of our relationship with you, from website information to recommendations and personal meetings to reports, we pledge to speak with you in plain, simple English. Even though our investment strategies are sophisticated enough to rival any private bank or hedge fund, we pledge to explain them without confusing industry jargon. And whenever you have questions, we pledge to answer them to your satisfaction, clearly and fully.
We further promise to educate others in the investment community about the importance of easy-to-understand language. In this way, we can reduce the anxiety many people have about their personal finances, and help them take a more active role in their own success.
Like to know more? Contact Us or see the 7 ways Uptrex is on your side.